
Sigma Lambda Gamma supports a variety of charitable organizations as a part of our community service commitment. As a national organization, we are proud to dedicate our philanthropic efforts to our national causes — the Sigma Lambda Gamma Education Foundation and Breast Cancer Awareness.

Women, children, and societal issues serve as a focal point for the programming efforts of our collegiate and alumni groups. On the regional and local levels, collegiate and alumni entities identify important issues within their respective communities to create a positive change for the next generation. It is our goal to collaborate with many campus organizations and philanthropic groups to share the belief in community service and instill a compassion for the hardships faced within our global family.


Entities conduct and participate in extraordinary programming events that are designed to bring about public awareness and education on these topics. In addition to our national service programs, our organization knows no limits in the quality and innovativeness of seminars and workshops which are facilitated by our membership.

Sigma Lambda Gamma
Education Foundation

The Sigma Lambda Gamma Education Foundation serves as the philanthropic entity for Sigma Lambda Gamma. Our mission, vision, and activity serve to support the purpose and principles of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority. The Foundation supports the empowerment of all by providing our members with chapter grants and scholarships. We believe if we educate a woman, we educate a generation. The Sigma Lambda Gamma Education Foundation mobilizes the giving power of our members and donors to change the world. Click here to support the Sigma Lambda Gamma Education Foundation.

Breast Cancer Awareness

Sigma Lambda Gamma and its member groups actively support the important societal issue of Breast Cancer Awareness. Our support of this cause comes in various avenues: from fundraising campaigns; educational workshops to create awareness; active participation in run/walk events; volunteer participation with organizations; or a combination of these forms.

Partnerships ♥️

Alongside the philanthropic efforts, Sigma Lambda Gamma holds a variety of partnerships with organizations as a part of our community service commitment.

Active Minds

in order to proactively and thoroughly support our membership, SLG and Active Minds have formed an official programming partnership to enhance the education and awareness of mental health needs.

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Sarah Morrison
Founder of

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Leland Bloggs
Founder of

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Jessica Morrison
Founder of

Active Minds has over 550 chapters within the United States that function in a variety of ways. Chapters consisting of student leaders work towards their mission by completing some of the following:

  • Organize campus events to increase awareness of mental health issues and suicide prevention.
  • Promote the services available from the counseling center and other organizations and distribute mental health resources by “tabling” in central areas of campus.
  • Hold fundraising events in support of the Active Minds movement.
  • Advocate for changes in campus policies and procedures to better support mental health.
  • Represent the student voice on campus health committees.